Saturday, February 6, 2010

Last night I watched Julie & Julia with my family. Jokingly, I mentioned that I should think of something to challenge myself with and see to completion. My-son-in-law said I should cook through our church cookbook and blog about that. Little did he know I would take the challenge. Little do any of us know if I will complete the task. Other than when I have been given an assignment at school or work, or telling myself I have to get the toilets scrubbed before I can have a glass of tea, I have never completed any truly challenging project. I have already been to the grocery store this week and cannot afford another trip until next weekend, so I will attempt the first few recipes with what I already have in my cupboard. Who knows where this will take me? I have also begun to coupon and shop local grocery store sales, so this will make the project even more challenging. I love the ladies who contributed to our cookbook over ten years ago. These ladies are family members and some of my closest friends. Many are no longer members of my church, some have moved, some have passed away, but I still think of them often. Many of the recipes have long become my family's favorites. I am looking forward to discovering new favorites and remembering and honoring the ladies who contributed to this very special book.


  1. When this gets made into a movie called "Phylly and Philly", I would like to play myself.

  2. Great idea...Paula Pegues gave me one of those cookbooks in our first few weeks at Philly. I am thinking it may be time for Volume 2. What do you think?

  3. I love reading blogs and I desperately need new ideas of things to cook, so I will gladly follow your blog. Make sure to include some really easy, tasty stuff -- crockpot ideas are always appreciated around here. Seriously, finding time and planning ahead enough to have consistently good dinners is my biggest weak spot. My kids think scrambled eggs is a dinner entree.

  4. I can't wait to keep reading this blog! I'm very excited! I'm sure it's going to be fun and exciting!

  5. Ok - if Phyl is gonna do this, I have to also - I get to(have to)be the critic. By most standards, I am not objective when it comes to food: I am mainly a meat and taters guy, I don't do cloudy pink jellow type dishes and I'm not likely to be eating anyone's potato salad. If I like it, I will complement the chef and the recipe, but if I don't like it... well let just say I'll still be truthful. WHat's first Phyl?
